I can't believe it is September already. It feels like such a long time ago now when we made the decision I wouldn't be returning to the classroom this autumn and now it's here. Its daunting, terrifying, exciting and freeing all at the same time. The first day of 'school' was really weird yesterday as I'm so used to being governed by time and routine (and lots of school bells) so I don't have a new routine yet, and I guess that's okay.
What I am enjoying is having the time and energy to figure that out but my goodness, starting your own business is HARD. Late nights, relentless to do lists and it's now all we talk about at the dinner table (that is smothered in wax melt gear 24/7). Our lives are completely changing and it can be super hard to navigate, but I am loving being at home with the animals and my boyfriend. Not needing workwear is really weird though!
Over the next few weeks I plan on creating some routine e.g. which days I will make stock, which days I will work on social media, which days will I tidy the pig sty that is our home and which days I will slow down a little and do all the things I fantasised about when life was just a little too busy for me. I want to use this blog space as a little diary. It feels good to get it all down and I'm basking in the novelty of not passing out asleep at 8pm every night. I think what I like the most at the minute about this complete change is that if I stay up a little later, I can stay in bed a little longer and that luxury feels so unfathomable to me right now. Time is just suddenly a bit irrelevant which again is so so freeing and I do feel so much lighter and I can't wait to plan my weeks out and create a new norm for myself, but for now, this week of launching the website is a total whirlwind and I am trying so so hard to just be kind to myself... but I'm just not very good at that...yet. But for now, it's 11pm, all three animals are with me on the sofa, everyone else has gone to bed and I feel peaceful. Ready for a chaotic day of wax melt making tomorrow, but I'm so excited for it.