Beware For I am fearless and Therefore Powerful Frankenstein snap bar
Beware For I am fearless and Therefore Powerful Frankenstein snap bar
A gothic classic that went straight to the top of our list for our Halloween range...Mary Shelley's Frankenstein. We adore the dual narrative of this gothic horror (see our Literary Terms page) and the questions that arise of ambition, morality and responsibility and when Dr Frankenstein's abandonment builds a deep rooted resentment and hatred from his creation...well... only monsters can create monsters...right?
With stormy hues of inky blues and electric shimmer, we wanted to combine key themes in with the aesthetics of our product, showcasing the Dr's use of electricity to spark life. With fragrant notes of rich, tart, autumnal berries, we wanted to pay homage to the creation's adoration for the animals around them and the berries they ate each day in the woods whilst helping the DeLacey family.
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Too charming to melt? We thought so too, so why not enhance your order with a jute pouch of our botanical wax melts removing all guilt of melting your pretty ones too soon.
Don't forget to add a display stand to show off your bar while enjoying the scent for up to two weeks.
Wax Melt Details
Wax Melt Details
Weight: 55 g
No. of Segments: 5
Dimensions: 145mm x 55mm
Scent load: 10%
We only use premium cruelty free fragrance oils and we use a high scent load, ensuring that our products have an excellent cold and hot throw. This means that they smell beautiful in a room without being melted as well as in your burner!
What are they made of
What are they made of
We endeavour to make our products as pleasant, high quality and eco-friendly as we can.
Our wax melts:
- Made with a rapeseed and coconut blend, especially formulated for wax melts, giving a beautiful finish and excellent scent throw
- Rapeseed crops are grown in the EU from existing agricultural land
- The coconut oil is sourced from small holders in Asia
- Palm oil free
- Vegan
- No nasty additives
- Mica powder that is obtained from pure natural minerals to give a stunning shimmer
- Premium cruelty free fragrance oils that give an impressive hot throw
How to use?
How to use?
- Break a segment off and pop it on your wax melt burner, using a tealight
- Allow the wax melt to fully melt
- You can re-use a wax melt but please note that the scent throw will be significantly reduced
- Once finished, let the wax set and using a knife or spoon, simply pop the wax out
- If any wax remains, heat it up and use a damp paper towel to absorb any excess
Bulk discount: Any 3 bars for £20.